Book a Social Media Audit

Book one of our social media audits and you'll get an objective, expert and indpendentĀ review of all of your social media channels.Ā 

A number of businesses we work with have found incredible value in these audits. Some have had inexperiencedĀ staff filling in the marketing role; others have been the business owner doing it all themselves. But each time we've been able to point out some valuable feedback and provide recommendations that have made a world of difference to their social media marketing.

What we'll do:

We'll review your social media channels, looking at everything from how your accounts have been set up, how they're presented, what content you're posting and how your audience interacts.

We'll send you all of our notes, as well as a video covering our research and recommendations.

We'll give you feedback on what we think is working, what could be improved, and a whole lot of other recommendations as well. And we're very happy to answer any additional questions you might have too.

Book Your Audit Now